martes, 26 de julio de 2011

Barcelona 080 Fashion Week (Part II)

Y aquí llega el post con la segunda parte del Barcelona 080 Fashion Week y los diseños que más me han gustado, esta vez con inspiraciones basadas en los colores pastel, estampados y cientos de flores, toda una delicia para la primavera/verano 2012, espero que os gusten!

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And here is the post with the second part of Barcelona 080 Fashion Week and the designs that I most liked, inspired in pastel colors, prints and thousand flowers on a delight for the S/S 2012, hope you like them!!!

Manuel Bolaño

Woow what amazing designs! In love with all outfits, colors combination, prints and flowers, just amazing!

Krizia Robustella

So nice and funny collection, love the ice-cream inspiration! Specially the fantastic leather jackets!


Fantastic bodies, I would like to wear all of them! 

Celia Vela

What a lovely reference to the Rococo style, based in white colors and soft fabrics

Pictures from 080barcelonafashion

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