Lovesick Teenagers by Bear in Heaven
En el mundo del cine hemos visto innumerables veces historias de amor adolescente en diferentes versiones y con diferentes desenlaces. El amor adolescente es esa etapa que algunos la recordamos con añoranza y dulzura, ese momento inocente en el cual nos dejábamos llevar por el impulso más incontrolable pero a la vez el más sincero, el más espontáneo. Fuera correspondido o no, ese primer amor, esa primera sensación de sentir y ver las miles de sensaciones, momentos y sentimientos que se pueden compartir con otra persona, el simple hecho de llegar a ese descubrimiento es lo que hace que esa etapa merezca un paréntesis dentro del crecimiento personal de cada uno.
Eso si, lo único que cambiaría de ese momento es el que hubiera podido llevar algunas de estas maravillas que se han presentado entre Nueva York y ahora en Londres en esta semana de la moda. Entonces si que hubiera sido aún más bonito ese momento…
In the world of cinema we've seen countless times teen love stories in different versions and with different outcomes. Teenage love is the stage that some people remember with longing and tenderness, that innocent time in which we let ourselves go by the uncontrollable impulse but also the most honest, the more spontaneous. Outside reciprocated or not, that first love, that first feel sensation and see the thousands of feelings, moments and emotions that can be shared with another person, just getting to that discovery is what makes that this stage deserves a break within the personal growth of each one.
In the world of cinema we've seen countless times teen love stories in different versions and with different outcomes. Teenage love is the stage that some people remember with longing and tenderness, that innocent time in which we let ourselves go by the uncontrollable impulse but also the most honest, the more spontaneous. Outside reciprocated or not, that first love, that first feel sensation and see the thousands of feelings, moments and emotions that can be shared with another person, just getting to that discovery is what makes that this stage deserves a break within the personal growth of each one.
The only thing I would change this time is that which could have wore some of the wonders that have arisen between New York and now in London Fashion Week’s. So if it had been even more beautiful this time...
Rodarte, Philosophy & Charles Anastase
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